Advanced battery modelling
consortium of battery experts

Twenty-three Investigators from nine universities across the UK

Sponsored by the FARADaY INSTITUTION

Part of UK’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund

Wide NETwork of partners

Research organizations, facilities and Institutes


Since 2018, the Multiscale Modelling project works to equip industry and academia with new software modelling tools to predict and improve battery lifetime and performance, by connecting the understanding of battery materials at the atomic level all the way up to an assembled battery pack.

Imperial College London is leading a consortium of nine university and 17 industry partners, bringing together world leading battery experts to build the critical bridge between science and engineering and across the length scales, contributing to the fundamental understanding of battery science and to the global electrification effort of the automotive industry.

The project is part of the Faraday Institution – the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage research, skills development, market analysis, and early-stage commercialisation. The Faraday Institution is a key delivery partner for The Faraday Battery Challenge at UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), delivered by Innovate UK.

Problem Outline

EV battery pack simulations need to consider a range of length scales

Battery simulation and design tools exist at each length- and time-scale, but they are not linked together and often lack the accuracy required for understanding the unique phenomena occurring within batteries.

Research and Approach

Modelling from the nanoscale up to the macroscale of a battery pack

The research on the MSM project develops advanced modelling tools that accurately link the physical behaviour of the battery cells at the nanoscale level to the mechanism observable at the macroscale of a battery pack, and more.


The project aims to develop advanced and accurate
battery modelling tools

By working across length scales, the project aims to achieve breakthroughs which are not possible by focusing on single lengh scales alone.
